
Mushrooms Button Kg
$14.99 per kg
Broccoli Kg
$7.99 per kg
Capsicum Red Kg
$8.50 per kg
Carrots 1kg
$2.99 each
Tomatoes Truss Kg
was $6.99 $5.00 per kg
Onions Brown Bag Ea 1kg
Indian Spiced
$2.50 each
Potato Sweet Gold Kg
$4.99 per kg
Lettuce Ea
$4.99 each
Cucumber Lebanese Kg
$7.99 per kg
Zucchini Loose Kg
$7.99 per kg
Onions Red Loose Kg
Lamb & Pumpkin with Herb Salsa
$9.99 per kg
Washed Potatoes 2kg
$9.99 each $5.00 per kg
Onions Spring Ea
Lamb & Pumpkin with Herb Salsa
was $3.50 $2.50 each
Pumpkin Grey Kg
$3.00 per kg
Tomatoes Roma Kg
$8.99 per kg
Cauliflower Half Ea
$3.50 each
Brushed Potato 2.5kg
$8.99 each
Beans Green Kg
$8.50 per kg
Oven Barbecued Beef Brisket
Purple Garlic kg
Lamb & Pumpkin with Herb Salsa
Indian Spiced
$14.99 per kg
Pumpkin Butternut Kg
$4.99 per kg
Potatoes Washed Loose Kg
$4.99 per kg
Celery Bunch Whole Ea
$4.99 each
Baby Broccoli Bunch
$3.99 each
Carrots Loose Kg
$2.99 per kg
Coriander Ea
Lamb & Pumpkin with Herb Salsa
Indian Spiced
$4.95 each
Baby Cos Twin pack
$5.50 each $2.75 each
Sweet Corn Cob each
$2.50 each
Celery Stick Single Ea
$0.60 each
Brushed Potatoes kg
$4.99 per kg
Cauliflower Whole Ea
$5.99 each
Peas Snow Kg
$24.99 per kg
Parsnips Loose Kg
$12.99 per kg
Brussell Sprouts Kg
$15.99 per kg
Capsicum Yellow Kg
$13.50 per kg
Onions Brown Loose
$2.50 per kg
Community Co Crunchy Noodle Kit 450g
$5.99 each $13.31 per kg
Ginger Loose Kg
Indian Spiced
Tomato & Plum Kimchi
$44.99 per kg
Mushrooms Swiss Brown kg
$17.99 per kg
Capsicum Green Kg
$6.99 per kg
Community Co. Coleslaw Kit 500g
$5.99 each $11.98 per kg
Bok Choi Pre Pack
$4.50 each
Carrots baby bunch ea
$4.99 each
H/​Moon Snackable Carrots 250g
$3.99 each $19.95 per kg
Eggplant kg
$10.50 per kg
Chillies Red Loose Kg
Indian Spiced
$29.99 per kg
Hussey Baby Spinach 100g
$2.99 each $29.90 per kg
Pumpkin Kent Kg
Lamb & Pumpkin with Herb Salsa
$3.99 per kg
Island Fresh Silver Beet 300g
$5.20 each $17.33 per kg
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